About us

Feel at home

About us




DWE Lelek project

Feel At Home 

DWE Group has been devel­oping modern and high-quality res­id­ential pro­jects on the Warsaw market for over 13 years. The company started oper­ating in 2010 under the name of SP Invest. Since then, the company has com­pleted 18 devel­op­ments and provided more than 80,000 sqm of net living space to res­idents in such dis­tricts as Praga Południe, Praga Północ, Ursus, Wawer, Tar­gówek and Białołęka.

In 2023, due to the increase in the scale of the business and its extensive devel­opment plans, the company decided to restructure and change its name to DWE Group. These modi­fic­a­tions made it pos­sible to accel­erate our investment plans and enter the insti­tu­tional rental market.

At the moment, DWE Group is pre­paring new res­id­ential pro­jects in Warsaw for indi­vidual buyers and inter­ested investors. In line with the company’s philo­sophy and strategy, all of its housing estates are designed to be intimate and modern. Each project is focused on the res­idents as indi­viduals and their need to live in friendly, green and well-designed dwellings that exem­plify the company’s motto: ‘Feel at Home’.


Sustainability standards

As a modern and con­scien­tious developer, we are fully aware of the importance of sus­tainable urban devel­opment and the need to con­serve the Earth’s natural resources. Con­struction accounts for 40% of global CO2 and 13% of other green­house gas emis­sions. Our goal is to min­imise any neg­ative impact on the envir­onment through careful design, responsible con­struction and investing in sus­tainable utility pro­vision, which in turn results in reducing the oper­ating costs of res­id­ential real estate.


In our daily activ­ities, we adhere to the guidelines of our ESG policy, which are based on those included in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sus­tainable Devel­opment. This means that our pro­jects are care­fully thought-out, both in terms of their impact on the envir­onment and the local com­munity, while they are also carried out in line with the trans­parent way the company operates.






years of mana­gerial experience 

Our projects

Aluzyjna 21

Warszawa – Białołęka, ul. Aluzyjna 21

A number of apart­ments: 83

Apartment area: 29 m2 – 124 m2

A number of floors: 7

Com­pletion year: 2023

On sale



Warszawa – Białołęka, ul. Głębocka 109L

A number of apart­ments: 106

Apartment area: 43,12 m2 — 87,63 m2

A number of floors: 4

Com­pletion year: 2026

In preparation


Warszawa – Ursynów, ul. Lelka

A number of apart­ments: 33

Apartment area: 49,27 m2 – 210,15 m2

A number of floors: 3

Com­pletion year: 2026

In preparation


Warszawa – Ursus, ul. Ogniowa 7

A number of apart­ments: 90

Apartment area: 35,93 m2 – 132,6 m2

A number of floors: 7

Com­pletion year: 2026

In preparation

Szwedzka 4

Warszawa – Praga Północ, ul. Szwedzka 4

A number of apart­ments: 103

Apartment area: 27 m2 — 103 m2

A number of floors: 7

Com­pletion year: 2020
